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Looking For One of Our Advertisers?

On Tables Now...

If you are looking for an advertiser or you want to be one of our advertisers, just click on the county/area to view our current placemats. We service restaurants in Bradford, Sullivan, and Columbia County, Pennsylvania. 

I. Sullivan County #1

Help support our restaurants by shopping with our advertisers!  And, don't forget to say, "I saw it on a placemat."


II. Sullivan County #2

Help support our restaurants by shopping with our advertisers!  And, don't forget to say, "I saw it on a placemat."


III. Western Bradford County

Help support our restaurants by shopping with our advertisers!  And, don't forget to say, "I saw it on a placemat."


IV. Eastern Bradford County

Help support our restaurants by shopping with our advertisers!  And, don't forget to say, "I saw it on a placemat."


V. Northern Columbia County

Help support our restaurants by shopping with our advertisers!  And, don't forget to say, "I saw it on a placemat."


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